Program Background
Decision making process in modern business environment has transformed. Its now based upon Analytics. This program focuses on building a strong foundation in Analytics for entry-level to mid-level professionals.
Awarding Institute
Ivory works with leading IITs to offer the program. In the past, the program has been offered with IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Madras. The next batch will be conducted with either of these leading IITs.
Enrollment Process
The program has just 30 seats. All classes are conducted live by IIT’s faculty. The program does not have on-demand classes. The next batch is starting in August 2019. Please send your applications at the earliest.
Target Audience
This program is for executives with an acumen and interest in Analytics. Participants with experience in this area will be preferred but it will not be a limiting factor for enrollment.
Schedule & Duration
One class per week on Sunday morning for 3:00 hours (8:30am-11:30am)
14 weeks
Course Content
The program follows a step-by-step approach where theoretical concepts will be followed by case studies and practical implementations. Sessions are designed to be interactive.
1.Introduction to Market Research & Data Analytics
Market Research
Role of Market Research & Data Analytics
Data Analytics for Management
Data collection – primary and secondary
Preparing Data Sheet & Data Processing
Data Summarization: Tabulation, Cross Tabulation, Frequency distribution
Analysis of variance
2. Multivariate Data Analysis-I
Regression Analysis
Simple and Multiple Regression Analysis
Logistic regression
Cluster analysis
Tree Classification
Factor analysis
3. Multivariate Data Analysis-II
Conjoint analysis
Correspondence analysis
Advanced Multivariate Data Analysis – Neural Network Models & Structural Equation Models
4. Forecasting Methods
Moving average and Exponential methods
Decomposition method
ARIMA models
5. Data Analytics @ Work
Data Management: validation and cleaning
Working with Clients
Presentation and report writing
The indicative modules can be enhanced/replaced at the sole discretion of Program Coordinator.
Conduct of Classes
The classes will be conducted from IIT. Select faculty members will conduct the classes. Each topic will be taught with the help of case studies, live corporate examples and general discussions. In order to provide greater industry insights, business leaders from the different industries, subject to availability, may be invited to share their experiences.
Within India
The classes will be made available in across the country through live learning. The participants can also be given an option to connect from home.
Outside India
The program is also available outside India with a differential amount in fee.
Learning System
Industry tested learning system will be deployed for conducting the program. It will allow students to attend the classes from their offices or homes. A high-speed broadband internet connection is essential for students to participate in the program.
Please download the brochure of the program for up-to-date fee details. The fee for the program is one of the lowest in comparison with programs offered by the other institutes.
Application Fee and Program Fee are paid in name of Ivory Education Private Limited.
Ivory Education will provide assistance to candidates for availing loans from financial institutions. These institutions may extend loans to the participants subject to their own conditions. Before applying for a loan, the candidates need to be selected in the program. There is no guarantee on availability of loans.
Evaluation Methodology
Assignments & Online Quiz
“Certificate in Business Analytics” by IIT.
Download brochure for Analytics Program
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Visit this page for remitting your payment for the program.