Indian Institute of Management Calcutta is offering Executive Programme in Global Economics (EPGE). The classes are made available in across the country through e-learning platform offered by Ivory Education.
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta has been ranked amongst top 20 in the Financial Times (FT) Masters in management 2013 Global Rankings. IIM Calcutta was ranked above the London School of Economics and Manchester Business School for its management programmes. IIM Calcutta is ranked No 1 in Finance, No 2 in Economics and No 1 in career among the top 70 global business schools that offer masters in management programme.
EPGE in itself is unique as the modules are designed to make the participants understand more about Economic Analysis and Policy in global context. This course will help students to develop a framework for analyzing both opportunities and risks in the global economic environment. It introduces the participants to basic economic principles, theories, tools. To be effective and successful executives, one needs to understand how the economic events and policies affect the areas of operation.
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